Module V:  Adulthood and Midlife

Module V, Adulthood and Midlife, consists of three classes (each worth 1 CEU Credit). These three classes will cover the middle stages of life from the 20s to 50s. How to develop healthy relationships as an adult, maintain the fitness and vitality of youth as your clients enter their thirties and forties and how to build health frameworks that will support them and protect their health as they age and move through the cycle of life.

You’ll learn how energy flows and hormones change in the body throughout life as well as how to help them cope with the personal and emotional challenges of these stages of life including loss of parents, changes in libido, career progression and even empty nesting.

Learn more about or purchase lifetime access to any or all of the classes in Module V by clicking the buttons below. 

Purchase the entire Module V class series (Class I, Class II & Class III) for a 20% discount here!

Your Upcoming Classes

Class I – Relationships rule: rules for healthy relationships (romantic, parenting, on the job, with aging parents and with yourself) for a lifetime of growth and meaning. Attachment theory, communication tools, and the way out of emotional gridlock with those you love.

Class II – Learn to individualize a coaching program to match the needs of your female and male clients, regardless of stage of menstrual or andropausal cycle they are in. Resources and tools you can use to help clients through rocky transitions.

Worth 1 CE Credit

Class III – Familiarize yourself with the root causes of mid-life crisis, developmental barriers and ways to break through, as well as, recognize arrested development in yourself and your clients.

Worth 1 CE Credit

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